April 20, 2012

Family Photography Surprise Arizona

I love going to see my sister and her 5 children! Honestly though I usually only last 3-4 days and then I need a break, but the first few days are always a ton of fun. We typically try to plan fun and educational activities each day; which can be a challenge in the Arizona summers. So I prefer to go in the winter.

Usually the last day I'm there we do a photo session with all the kids. This time the oldest was gone, typical of a sixteen year old. And another child wasn't really in the mood. Having a stranger take family pictures definitely has its advantages!  However, my niece is always ready to pose, anytime. So I always have at least one model.

The newest and last addition to their family is a face maker. Love it! I had to share a few of the images - I couldn't resist.

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